Savitribai Phule Pune University | 2019 - 2023
Currently pursuing
Higher Secondary Certificate | 2019
Percentage : 79.09%
Secondary School Certificate | 2017
Percentage : 80.04%
(08/2021) | Personal Library Website
This Project has been developed in PHP, MySQL for backend and for frontend HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript.
(07/2021) | Python MySQL Tkinter
This application is designed using python GUI and used MySQL Database for backend. The application is also able to generate and print Prescription for patient.
(06/2021 - Present) | Machine Learning
Currently working on algorithms to use for project , basically the application will predict the future cost Price of Stock from previous datasets.
(06/2021) | Python MySQL Tkinter
This application is used to keep track of student information and and MySQL database is used and for GUI python
(06/2021) | Python MySQL Tkinter
This application is used to keep track of student information and and MySQL database is used and for GUI python
(08/2020) | Python
This game was designed